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Click above to understand COVID-19.

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Telemedicine and COVID-19

I am "virtually" available for your AcuTherapy treatments


COVID-19 is a highly contagious virus that attacks our lungs and wreaks havoc on many other organs in our bodies.  (For more information, click the COVID symbol to see how the virus impacts the body.)  During this time, it is imperative that we strengthen our immune systems and keep as healthy and safe as possible, Chinese medicine can help with that.  For centuries, it has been used as a preventative means to help keep the body healthy and protected.  See how Chinese Medicine helped China fight COVID-19... 


I am available to support your wellness journey whether our session is in person or virtual through modern technology.  For those choosing an in-person appointment, please be informed of the new clinic POLICIES & PROCEDURES I am required to put in place.

As you know, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can help with a whole world of issues (See CONDITIONS).  For any health care concerns, including spiritual health, there are Eastern medical treatment methods available to you, even during this quarantined time. For each method, a consultation will be required to determine an appropriate treatment plan.  

Through the HIPAA compliant teleconferencing app, Doxy, I will instruct you on how and where to carry out your treatment. Schedule your appointment today and follow the instructions below to join me on Doxy:


  1. First, let's make sure we have an appointment so I can log-on to greet you.

  2. Click the Doxy Logo

  3. Then, enter your name and click "Check In" to enter the virtual waiting room (if prompted, allow the app to have access/permission to your microphone and camera)

  4. I will pick up the call and we can begin our session


AcuTherapy Telemedicine Treatment Options

Indeed it is possible to treat the acupoints without needles and there are a four options to consider.  Please email me directly to schedule your initial consultation for treatment.  Please download, sign and return the Telemedicine Consent to Treatment form.

1.  Biomagnetic Acupoint Therapy
Magnets can also treat the acupuncture points.  In the clinic, I use powerful 10,000g (gauss) magnets and their positive or negative polarities on the Acupoints are what do the job.  The magnets are left on the points for 25-30 minutes to accomplish the goal.  For your at-home treatments during this pandemic period, 800g magnets are used and can be kept on the body for 5-7 days. After a consultation, I will mail you the magnets.  Once you have them, I invite you to connect with me again via Doxy and will instruct you where to put them on your body and which polarity (north or south) to use on the points.


2.  Acupressure
Stimulate the Acupoints by applying pressure and/or massaging them.  During a consultation on Doxy, I will teach you which points to stimulate and where they are located.  This is helpful to do on its own or before placement of the 800g magnets.  (If magnets are desired, a follow-up appointment will be required in order to have time to mail out the magnets and teach where to put them.)


3.  Chinese Herbal Medicine
AcuTherapy is well stocked with many affordable Chinese herbal formulas and teas the patient can take to help keep the body strong and help with beginning symptoms of the Coronavirus.  For anything that can be treated with Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine can also help, including Allergies and the common cold!  After a consultation via Doxy, I will get you the herbal formula I prescribe and will follow-up with you on its success for possible modifications/fine-tuning.  Formulas will most often be liquid herbal tinctures, which are easy to take, but powdered herbal formulas may also be a consideration.  Contact me for details or to purchase if interested.  'If you dig your well when you are thirsty, it is already too late.  Dig your well, have your water in advance and be prepared!"  (Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen, 218BC)


4.  Auriculotherapy
Acupuncture/Acupressure on the ear is a very effective treatment (some practitioners choose this method as their primary treatment).  After a consultation, I will send you the materials you will need to locate and treat the points on the ear.  Ear seeds and gold or silver (stainless steel) balls are the stimulate needed to do the job.  Once placed, they will stay on the ear for up to 7 days.  Another person may be necessary to help you place them correctly and for this reason, a Doxy appointment is necessary.


Payment/Insurance Coverage

​​For those who have acupuncture benefits under their insurance plan, a telemedical appointment can be billed; unfortunately, Chinese herbal medicine is not a covered benefit.


Other payment options may be discussed with your practitioner when scheduling an appointment.


AcuTherapy, LLC

(617) 694-9415

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With love and gratitude to A. Broski & K. Spencer for all the support and time with editing this site!

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