​AcuTherapy &
Chinese Herbal Medicine
​7 Mystic Street, Suite 204, Arlington, MA 02474
Tel: (617) 694-9415 wlacoss@gmail.com

Clinic Hours
Monday to Friday
8:30am to 6:30pm
(Occasional Weekends)
Health Resources
Interested in learning more about acupuncture? You will find recommended resource links about the benefits of acupuncture and alternative medicine below. For questions or concerns about the information represented in these links, please contact the organization directly. Feel free to contact AcuTherapy with any questions.
Referring a patient for acupuncture services could not be easier. Providing your patient with the highest standards of care is your main concern, obligation and professional duty, so you can feel comfortable referring your patient to AcuTherapy.
Consider referring your patient to acupuncture when:
Standard treatments have not provided the desired benefit
Your patient cannot tolerate or is not interested in pharmaceuticals
Surgery, cortisone and narcotics have already been performed or not appropriate
Your patients simply asks for a referral...
Dr. Wyatt LaCoss, DACM, Dipl.OM, Lic.Ac is licensed by the Board of Medicine in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and nationally certified by the NCCAOM. His Education & Training in this field extend far beyond the minimum standards required.

Associations & Institutes
NCCAOM - The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
NIH - National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
ASA - American Society of Acupuncturists
SAR - Society for Acupuncture Research
ASM - Acupuncture Society of Massachusetts
Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine

Acupuncture Journals

Acupuncture Research
The Role of Acupuncture in Pain Management
Acupuncture for Dyspnea in Advanced Cancer- A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Trial
Traditional Acupuncture in Migraine: A Controlled, Randomized Study
Acupuncture in the Treatment of Infantile Colic
Integrative Oncology- Complementary Therapies for Pain, Anxiety, and Mood Disturbance
Acupuncture and the Opioid System- Implications in Management of Migraine
The Effectiveness of Acupuncture in the Treatment of Gulf War Illness