​AcuTherapy &
Chinese Herbal Medicine
​7 Mystic Street, Suite 204, Arlington, MA 02474
Tel: (617) 694-9415 wlacoss@gmail.com

Clinic Hours
Monday to Friday
8:30am to 6:30pm
(Occasional Weekends)
The most commonly asked questions regarding Chinese Herbal Medicine are listed below. I hope the answers provided will give you the information necessary to make a well-informed decision about considering Chinese Herbal Medicine. It is my goal to help you move forward on your path to a better quality of life with health and healing. If you have additional questions, please contact me.
What is Chinese Herbal Medicine and
What Can It Do for Me?

Chinese Herbal Medicine has a history of more than 4,500 years and is at the core of Traditional Chinese Medicine, alongside Acupuncture. Fifty original Chinese herbal formulas were written in the ancient Chinese medical texts and are still used today due to their efficacy. Chinese Herbal Medicine uses nature’s harvest of natural substances, primarily plants and minerals, to promote natural healing and good health. Chinese Herbal Medicine is a very powerful system of healing that has been continuously researched in Chinese medical literature. Chinese herbs can offer not only symptomatic relief in acute cases, but can also strengthen the body systems of many patients who cope with chronic conditions.
Why Should I Consider your Herbal Dispensary?
The most exacting methods of quality control are used in my clinic. Only high-quality herbs that are rigorously tested and controlled for purity are considered for distribution. Most of the herbs used in my prescriptions are imported from China, and all are as close to organically grown as is possible to obtain at the time.
Are Chinese Herbs Safe?
All of the Chinese herbal products prescribed in the clinic are manufactured by companies meeting FDA Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards. I investigate each distributor thoroughly, which means the forumulas I prescribe are of consistently high quality to ensure I am offering the safest product available.
In What Form are My Herbs Prescribed?
Creating the proper formula for each patient is an art and skill. Dosing is based on the age, sex, size and chronicity of the main complaint. Following the dosage as written on the bottle may not be effective enough and therefore one should only get the herbal prescriptions from a licensed practitioner and never online.
Liquid Extracts/Tinctures. This is the most popular choice for taking an herbal prescription. The formula is in a small bottle with an eye dropper which allows the patient to take them directly without water if none is readily available. This formula is the strongest in form and requires less over time. Generally, the patient will take one eye dropper two times daily 1/2 hour before meals.
Powdered herbs. You will receive these in a bottle containing powdered granules. The dosage of your prescription will be written on the bottle and a gram measure spoon will be provided. The powder is dissolved into one cup of lukewarm water, as directed. This is the second strongest way to take an herbal prescription.
Tea pills. These are taken as recommended/prescribed by your acupuncturist/herbalist. These are not as strong as tinctures or powders, yet still popular as they are easy to carry.
How are Chinese Herbs Taken?
Together, we will decide the best method to administer your herbs for you. Generally herbal prescriptions are taken twice daily either ½ hour before or two hours after eating. You should continue taking all of your herbs until they are completely gone unless specific instructions are given to you. Some herbs are somewhat hard to digest, therefore you will need to avoid raw, cold, greasy or hard-to-digest foods while taking them. Please feel free to discuss any general dietary or lifestyle issues with your practitioner, or whether herbs will have an effect on any present medications you are taking.
When Can I Pick Up My Prescription or Can I Have it Shipped to Me?
A wide variety of herbal tinctures are stocked in the clinic and therefore available immediately. Most powdered prescriptions are ready within two days. Prescriptions need to be picked up within two weeks of preparation. Prescriptions not picked up during this time period will be charged to your account. You may choose to have your prescriptions shipped to you if you are unable to pick them up. A minimum shipping fee of $6.00 will be added to your total cost. Shipping fees are based on weight of package, location and preferred delivery schedule.
How Much do the Herbs Cost?
Because each prescription is formulated specifically for you, the cost of your prescription will depend on the cost of the ingredients. In general the cost is about $30-$45 for powdered formulas. Actual costs will vary depending on the ingredients and the preparation. Large prescriptions and prescriptions with expensive herbs will increase the price. Patent medicines (tinctures and tea pills) are generally less expensive ($12/bottle), and again, price depends on the formula and its herbs.
What if I Can’t Stand the Taste... Can I Get a Refund if I Don’t like the Herbs?
Many Chinese herbal formulas can taste bitter to some palates. Some people find the taste strong at first, but then become used to it. You may mix the tea or decoction with honey. We recommend tasting the formula before you sweeten it, as the honey may change the flavor. Because each prescription is especially formulated and custom-made for you, there are no refunds, credits or reimbursements for either Chinese herbal prescriptions or patent medicines. Under no circumstance can unused herbs or patents be returned.
How Do I Refill a Prescription?
At the discretion of the practitioner, you may be allowed to refill your prescription a number of times or for a certain period. I may need to see or talk to you in order to adjust herbs and dosages. If refills are permitted, please call and request a refill, specifying preferred pickup time or shipping method.
How Can I Find Out What Exactly is in My Prescription?
If you have another visit planned, you may ask your practitioner to write you out a copy at your next visit. The complete formula for the tinctures and teapills is already marked on the bottles.
What if I have Side Effects or I Feel Sick?
If you have any adverse symptoms, STOP TAKING THE HERBAL PRESCRIPTION and contact me immediately.