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Mei Zen™ Cosmetic Acupuncture

Results of Rejuvenation:

Results will be seen in as little as four weeks!  After the initial 6-week protocol is complete, you can transition to monthly maintenance treatments maximizing long-term benefits which can last 3 to 5 years!

  • Reduction in fine lines...they may even disappear

  • "Leveling" of deep lines.  Deeper lines may never go completely away but they can "fill up" and look much softer, less harsh

  • More defined jaw line

  • Beginnings of jowls can be minimized.

  • Improvement to the appearance of acne and rosacea

  • Skin gets softer, more vibrant

  • Cheeks get smoother

  • Overall skin tone becomes more consistent; may reduce redness

  • Age spots have faded

  • Wrinkles on the décolletage (due to sun damage) may disappear

Cosmetic Acupuncture is a healthy alternative to the more invasive and potentially damaging procedures currently available.  It is the “true anti‐aging medicine”.  The treatment may not be well-known in the United States, but it has been in practice for centuries in China for the Emperors, Empresses and the wealthy in China.


The benefits include having softer, firmer skin, a reduction of deeper wrinkles, a possible elimination of finer wrinkles and improvement in jowl lines.  Although not visually as dramatic as a surgical procedures, Mei Zen actually has a much more dramatic overall effect on your health as beneficial “side effects” occur.  In addition to the visual changes, patients have reported improved digestion, better quality sleep, reduction of hot flashes, elimination of mild depression and anxiety, improved energy and an overall sense of well‐being.  Patients leave not only looking younger but feeling younger and healthier. 


From a Western medicine standpoint, Mei Zen works with  needling, done at the level of the dermis, stimulating neurotransmitter production.  These transmitters initiate the body's natural response system to increase blood flow while stimulating cell reproduction and growth.  It produces collagen and elastin as a result of the micro-traumas from the needling process.  From an Eastern medicine standpoint, Qi and Blood are being brought to the face.  When the Qi is lifted, the body’s energetic systems are being put into balance, muscle tone improves and skin becomes healthy.  Your outward beauty and youthful appearance are a direct result of inner health and balance.


The Mei Zen cosmetic acupuncture system is a safe, natural way to rejuvenate your skin and bring it back to life with a youthful glow. The Mei Zen technique will not only revitalize your outward appearance but will also provide the liveliness that your body has been yearning for.

Treatment Cycle
The series begins with an initial health assessment and balancing treatment. The first session lasts between 1.5 to 2 hours.  This is followed by 6 weeks of the Mei Zen protocol.


Treatments are given twice weekly and last 90 minutes to achieve consistent and plentiful production of collagen and elastin. The acupuncture is followed by a soothing, relaxing facial using healthy, organic products containing Chinese herbs selected to rejuvenate, tighten and tone.  Chinese herbal formulas and/or nutritional supplements may be prescribed to supplement the treatment process.

To receive optimal results, it is important that the treatment plan outlined above is adhered to.

Mei Zen is featured in "O":  the Oprah Magazine!  A beauty editor tries Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture in the article entitled "The Art of the Needle."  

(May 21, 2010, pg 164.)

Save time during your first visit by downloading, printing and completing the patient health care forms in advance and bring with you to your treatment. The information requested in the forms will be extremely valuable in providing new patients with the best possible care.


AcuTherapy, LLC

(617) 694-9415

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With love and gratitude to A. Broski & K. Spencer for all the support and time with editing this site!

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